107 Fresh Watercolor Vectors


107 Watercolour Vector Brushes by Layerform Design Co!


Introducing 107 Fresh Watercolor Vectors by Layerform, this set contains precisely 107 crisp, sharp watercolor vectors to use in your artwork. Fully scaleable, they can be used in illustrator or imported to Photoshop to use there too!

They have been meticulously crafted to be as realistic as possible, and can be used in a huge array of artwork.

In this HUGE set you will receive:

  • 107 Fresh Watercolor Vectors in .ai (and illustrator 10 AI) format
  • 107 Fresh Watercolor Vectors in .eps format (and Illustrator 10)
  • Readme.txt File

We hope you enjoy this set as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!

Additional information

File Size


File Formats

.AI, .EPS, & Readme.txt file

Minimum Version

Adobe Illustrator 8 +


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107 Fresh Watercolor Vectors by Layerform Design Co

107 Fresh Watercolor Vectors
